Mythbusters is often a fun show, and it always gains a little something when it ties itself in with popular culture. The mythbusters, adam savage and jamie hyneman, have taken on some pretty fantastical television and movie myths in the past, everything from star wars and zombies to breaking bad a clip has now been officially released online, taken from savage and hynemans july 18th, 2015 mythbusters episode, where they take on one last breaking bad myth and put it to the test. Mar 06, 2016 mythbusters season 16, episode 9 the mythbusters grand finale. It is the sixteenth episode of season five and the 62nd overall episode of the series. Stand by for some ballistic backyard bedlam and a gruesome glass guillotine in an episode devoted to.
Nov 03, 2012 the fourth season finale of breaking bad had one of the best explosions weve ever seen on tv. The finale episode gives absolutely fitting resolution to the series and its surviving characters. As part of a larger episode looking at busting myths from the television series breaking bad, adam savage and jamie hyneman of mythbusters fame took on what is most definitely the most impressive. Mythbusters breaking bad machine gun finale video the. But thats not all with two shark repellent myths thrown in for good measure, the guys are going to need a bigger boat. Joking bad late night with jimmy fallon late night with jimmy fallon duration. Mythbusters tests walter whites breaking bad finale.
Its the mythbusters shark special as the guys retackle the explosive finale of the film jaws. However, as expected, adam and jamie went out with a bang. Walter whites booby trap from the breaking bad series finale. With all the loose ends tied up in the breaking bad finale, which aired in 20 on amc, there a. See how jamie and adam replicated the infamous scene from breaking bads incredible finale.
Its not every day you set up an m60 in the trunk of a car, ready to take on the bad guys. We can watch many episodes on hulu and have a couple dvds, but son specifically requested the 2nd star wars special so i bought the episode from season 18. Written and directed by series creator vince gilligan, it aired on amc in the united states and canada on september 29, 20. The late us airing was timed to coincide with breaking bad s final season second half premiere the night before. The tonight show starring jimmy fallon 32,507,879 views. The episode had already been aired in several international markets such as on sbsone on july 15, 20 and on discovery channel southeast asia on july 22, 20 before making its us debut on august 12, 20.
Creatorproducer vince gilligan and actor aaron paul appeared as guests. Adam and jamie blow up a boat with 1,000 lb of high explosive before building a homemade machine gun from breaking bad s season finale. How realistic is breaking bads portrayal of magnets in. Whether hydrofluoric acid can dissolve organic matter and the bathroom its in, and if. Mythbusters proves the breaking bad finale was more. Aug 12, 20 blood money table read breaking bad extra season 5 episode 9 duration. In the final episode of breaking bad, walt bryan cranston gets jesse aaron paul out of the clutches of the bad guys by creating an automatic swaying machine gun in the trunk of his car. See whether hydrofluroic acid can really create the mess it did on breaking bad when mythbusters airs its special on monday at 10 p. As a postscript, in the 2015 episode blow it out of the water, adam and jamie with gilligan present also tested the viability of walters juryrigged car trunk machine gun trap in felina, the breaking bad series finale, and found it plausible. Mythbusters took on two of breaking bad s biggest science talkers from season one on monday night. Aug 28, 2015 no, its not the finale of mythbusters although thats bound to be heading our way what with adam and jamie set to star in a spy series. Mythbusters last episode aired on saturday night, to the dismay of millions of fans.
Adam and jamie blow up a boat with 1,000 lb of high explosive before building a homemade machine gun from breaking bads season finale. Mythbusters tv show season 2018 episodes list next episode. Savage and cohost jamie hyneman will test the science from a scene in season 1 of bad, in which pauls jesse pinkman uses. As part of a larger episode looking at busting myths from the television series breaking bad, adam savage and jamie hyneman of mythbusters fame. Jul 01, 2015 mythbusters season summer premiere will air in july. Catch all new episodes of mythbusters saturdays at 87c on discovery. Aug 12, 20 see whether hydrofluroic acid can really create the mess it did on breaking bad when mythbusters airs its special on monday at 10 p. Aug 28, 2015 as part of a larger episode looking at busting myths from the television series breaking bad, adam savage and jamie hyneman of mythbusters fame took on what is most definitely the most impressive. The mythbusters guys team up with vince gilligan to replicate the machine gun trunk surprise from the breaking bad finale, and it works. Mythbusters proves breaking bad final scene possible time. Mythbusters breaking bad special tv episode 20 imdb. Mythbusters test walter whites homemade autonomous machine gun from the series finale of breaking bad submitted 1 year ago by jordansw 301 comments. Blow it out of the water season, episode 7 and last, but certainly not least, the mythbusters team debunkeddefended the breaking bad series finale. The team recreates two iconic, acidic scenes to see if the science truly holds up, melts down, or blows.
Directed by steve christiansen, lauren gray williams. The myths in this episode were drawn from the amc drama series breaking bad. In this episode, adam and jamie test holidayrelated myths while revealing the top10 myths as voted upon by fans of the series. Meanwhile, the rest of us have been wondering for five years now, what the hell did walt throw on the floor when he. In a video posted on tuesday, the mythbusters team recreated the climactic events of felina, the final episode of breaking bad, which received acclaim when it aired in september 20. Savage and cohost jamie hyneman will test the science from a scene in season 1 of bad, in which pauls jesse pinkman uses hydrofluoric acid to dissolve.
Although the duo always had an affinity for explosions, they saved the best for last. The grand finale included the explosion of a cement truck which was loaded with more than 5,000 pounds of anfo. In addition, revisit a collection of hollywoods biggest big screen myths. Episode sp1 viewerschoicechristmas special original air date. The mythbusters want to know scratch that, they need to know just how hollywood pulls off some of their most spectacular stunts and eyepopping effects. The mythbusters team took on the breaking bad finale to find out whether walt could have actually succeeded and survived his machine. No, its not the finale of mythbusters although thats bound to be heading our way what with adam and jamie set to star in a spy series. Mythbusters took on two of breaking bads biggest science talkers from season one on monday night. In the final episode of breaking bad, walt bryan cranston gets jesse aaron paul out of the clutches of the bad guys by creating an. Aug 27, 2015 the breaking bad series finale received some feedback from fans including norm macdonald for perhaps not being all that realistic. The mythbusters have actually tackled breaking bad before, devoting an entire episode to some of walter whites more ingenious scientific methods including the time he used mercury fulminate to. Mythbusters ss 16, ee 9 the mythbusters grand finale.
This is a list of the various myths tested on the show as well as the results of the experiments the myth is busted, plausible, or confirmed. Bd25 containing the special breaking bad episode of mythbusters. The episode was okay and had some really fun bits, but i find myself liking the. This episode was the finale for the entire mythbusters series. Mythbusters takes on breaking bad machine gun finale. In the other hand, you have mythbusters, which is also an incredibly awesome show, though for. Alternate ending a 4minute alternate version of how breaking bad could have ended behindthescenes of the alternate ending fire in the hole. The fourth season finale of breaking bad had one of the best explosions weve ever seen on tv.
Aug 28, 2015 the mythbusters first took on two myths from the first season of breaking bad back in 20. Mythbusters tackles the breaking bad finale would walts. A subreddit for fans and critics of the hit television series breaking bad on amc. Jamie and adam attempt a jailbreak using the pressure from the carbon dioxide released by lots and lots of antacid tablets. One may have wanted more of a grandiose climax, but anything bigger would not have been true to the series. Aug 27, 2015 last years breaking bad finale may have wrapped up five seasons of raising hell in albuquerque, but what discovery s mythbusters found most interesting was walter whites. Watch mythbusters tackles breaking bad finale, and vince. What many could argue is one of the best shows ever made. In a recent article in the new york times, the feasibility of this. Mythbusters proves the breaking bad finale was more realistic. Mythbusters takes on breaking bad machine gun finale scene.
The mythbusters disc comes in a white paper case with a. Mythbusters tests breaking bad finale trunk machine gun. Things get volatile when the mythbusters meet creator vince gilligan and star aaron paul to check the chemistry behind the hit tv show breaking bad. Questions about whether the whole episode was a deathsdoor fever dream aside, many of the climactic moments were undeniably over the top. Seeing thats where mythbusters lives, last month the discovery channel series took on one of the famous moments from the 20 episode that closed the critically acclaimed show twoyear old spoilers ahead. Nov 02, 2012 mythbusters to air breaking bad episode. Mythbusters test walter whites homemade autonomous machine.
Breaking bad returned sunday for the first of its final eight episodes, and last night discovery channel aired a special episode of mythbusters. Mythbusters to do a breaking bad inspired episode film. Spoilers breaking bad finale breakdown mythbusters. Grant, tory and jessi try to determine if its possible for smugglers to evade boarder patrols by driving at night with their headlights off. Adam savage and jamie hyneman will test the season one scene where walt. Felina is the series finale of the american drama television series breaking bad. But walter white aint got nothin on the discovery boys. The mythbusters had planned on doing three breaking bad inspired myths in the episode but found they only had time for two. Mythbusters looks into whether the breaking bad finales shootout was plausible. Mythbusters tests out a deadly breaking bad scene from the shows finale. Mythbusters built a real rotating machine gun to test out the epic final scene in breaking bad heres how it fared jason guerrasio 20150827t21. Season 2018 guide for mythbusters tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Watch mythbusters tackles breaking bad finale, and. On an episode of mythbusters, adam savage and jamie hyneman tested whether walter white couldve really built and used a booby trap machine gun effectively, as shown in the breaking bad finale.
Leave it to the team at mythbusters to put breaking bad protagonist walter whites last act of desperation under the microscope. Mar 06, 2016 mythbusters last episode aired on saturday night, to the dismay of millions of fans. Mythbusters test breaking bad machine gun finale business insider. Mythbusters test walter whites homemade autonomous. Mythbusters breaking bad mashup episode has us giddy. The breaking bad series finale received some feedback from fans including norm macdonald for perhaps not being all that realistic. The cast of the television series mythbusters perform experiments to verify or debunk urban legends, old wives tales, and the like. Science is awesome and all, and its good to know there are people out there using it to improve cancer medications and address the dangers of climate change. Oh, so its really the mythbusters team who are the ones who knock. Mythbusters busts breaking bads bad science reality blurred.
Mythbusters tests breaking bad finale trunk machine gun scene. Mythbusters proves breaking bads walt needs some more. Mythbusters season summer premiere will air in july. Look, if you havent watched the final episode of breaking bad and still plan to do so, click away now. The guys examined whether a concentrated level of hydrofluoric acid could eat through a human corpse and the bathtub that its resting in. Apr 19, 2015 jamie and adam attempt a jailbreak using the pressure from the carbon dioxide released by lots and lots of antacid tablets. Breaking bad creator vince gilligan makes a guest appearance. Last years breaking bad finale may have wrapped up five seasons of raising hell in albuquerque, but what discovery s mythbusters found most interesting was walter whites. Spoiler alert its the machine gunflavored finale of breaking bad, where walter takes out all his enemies with an autonomous machine gun. The mythbusters put the legendary indiana jones and his hijinks to the test. With jamie hyneman, adam savage, tory belleci, kari byron. Blood money table read breaking bad extra season 5 episode 9 duration.
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